The Opening

Opening night!


(Child included for scale.)


Judy, me, Matt, and Zak… and Hana!


Hana spent some time handing out invitations…


…and entertaining the guests.


Yuka looking stylish. I couldn’t have finished the paintings without her help –
thanks, nya~ ( > ε < *)


Kiki and Zak.


Hana in the Screening Room… she’s actually standing in front of the audience, looking back at them (  ̄◇ ̄ ;; )


My parents and Hana. Check out the beautiful stained glass above the entrance.

Installation Views

And here’s the show! This is the view as you enter the Main Gallery. (Somehow I only managed to snag these blurry shots, ack. The lighting is way nicer IRL, too.)



The view from the opposite corner of the space. (Conference of the Birds is off-camera, to the left.)



This is the Project Space, showing Matt’s Blood Meridian drawings (left) and Pink Meteor prints (right).


There’s also a Reading Room, where Matt’s and my minicomics are available to peruse; and a Screening Room,
showing Amy Lockhart’s animated short The Collagist (featuring artwork by Marc Bell). The shows all go well
together, and the space is beautiful. Yay!



The Install, Day 1

Got to Minneapolis 2 days before the opening.


I was worried about filling up the large space in the main gallery, but I think it turned out alright. The wall o’
Road of Knives was the trickiest bit…


So far, so good!

The Show


In the Main Gallery
Shawn Cheng
Wonder and Woe


In the Screening Room
Amy Lockhart
The Collagist


In the Project Space
Matt Wiegle
Blood Meteor


Opening Reception
Friday, February 17, 2012
6 to 8pm


The exhibitions continue through April 28, 2012


Franklin Art Works
1021 East Franklin Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55404
612 872 7494
Hours: Tues–Sat 12 to 5pm